I. Select Team

II. Start the Meeting

In Simplamo, we have established a logical agenda to efficiently organize quarterly meetings, with suggestions for the Facilitator, Attendees, and maximum time for each part.

Please use the "Show Meeting Tips" feature to have an effective meeting day. Click "Got it" button after reading to tidy up the screen.

III. Create an Issue

During Part 1 to Part 4, please create an "Issue" whenever a team member raises a problem, question, or proposal. To do this, click on the “+Issue” button located in the upper right corner.

IV. Edit - Add Content

V. Issue Solving

Move on to Part 6 of the meeting - addressing critical issues. The Simplamo will first allow you and your team to review the list of established Priority Objectives. The purpose of this is to eliminate issues that have been addressed through "Priority Objective".

As you scroll down, you will see the entire list of issues created on the Company’s Vision (question 8), and the issues mentioned during the Quarterly Meeting from Part 1 to Part 5.

Classify issues into 3 types as follows: